The Expansion of Physician-Assisted Dying
to Other States
Dan Diaz made a deathbed promise to Brittany Maynard that he
would work on making aid-in-dying legal. After Brittany’s
death, California became the fifth state in
Brittany Manard and Dan Diaz
the country to legalize physician-assisted dying. And in the most recent
election, Colorado residents voted to legalize medical
aid-in-dying. Legislation is now pending in 23 other states and
Washington D.C. Diaz now works with the advocacy group
Compassion and Choices.5 He’s visited eight
capitals and has shared Brittany’s story with many
lawmakers. “I am immensely proud of my wife,” said
Diaz, “Her voice certainly did make a difference, an
impact for the rest of us.” He added, “People say
‘well, can one voice really make a difference?’ Well
yeah—hers did.”
JoAnn Mar’s report is part of the End of Life Radio
Project, supported by a grant from the Association of Health
Care Journalists and The Commonwealth Fund.